Wednesday 31 August 2011


Its amazing how God has created the human being , the diversity is beyond comprehension. But again its not all about how God has created us but also the path of life we have decided to take as individuals

Ever seen how different you are from your siblings even if you are twins? That uniqueness that makes one attracted or repulsed to the others especially when building relationship at home or in institutions! That exceptionality is one thing you have to deal with when walking this journey of making a team

While working in the civil society field i realized I had colleagues and friends whose categories should never be merged.... I realized I need to understand the limits of my interaction so that I remain level headed. Everyone has away of thinking and they are entitled to it and for sure at sometimes their thoughts may actually build you

But on the other flip side, there are also chances of having to deal with thoughts that disconfigure your way of thinking. Its important to ensure that while you learn from colleagues you don't allow them to destroy your self esteem, reconstruct your mindset to accommodate negative attitude

I had just joined this reknown organization and was a dream come true... I felt happy to have the opportunity to engage and work in an environment that many admired from outside.
I was on time to get to work feeling obliged to go an extra mile on whatever duties I had been given... But on excellence one of my colleagues would flatten my morale by her attitude to work sloppy and disengaged. But being new I could only keep cool!

What do you do when you dont want to look as miss super! fear to be undermined or thought to be a snitch to the boss? Being focused is a conscious decision that must be taken and nothing whatsoever should come your way to destruct you!

Its about how you carry yourself....Your integrity, sound mind and   result and action oriented character will draw many to you 

What shape of our house/ work life  do we want????

If you can answer this one then you can make the curves you want